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Common Illnesses with Yorkshire Terriers

leaf If you own a pup or you are considering getting one you need to be aware of the health concerns with the breed. Little dog illnesses are quite common as they are genetic in nature for the most part.

While reputable breeders do their research and attempt to only breed healthy dogs it isn't possible to eliminate all of the health concerns. Many of them are underlying so they can't always be known until later on.

It can become quite costly to take care of your dog health problems so that needs to be something you consider before you get this breed of dog.

While not all of them you will need to be prepared. How will it affect you financially if you need to take your pup to the vet for more than routine checkups and shots? How will it affect your family emotionally if you need to deal with one of the many dog illnesses?

To help offset the cost, you should consider getting health insurance for your pup. It is very affordable, much less than for humans.

Just make sure that such coverage will cover a wide variety of the different dog diseases. That way if you do need to access the coverage you won't be disappointed that your needs aren't going to be covered under the policy.

There are several dog diseases that you need to be aware of. Since they are a small breed of dog, the collapse of the trachea is quite possible.

Older dog can have problems with their kneecaps slipping out of place. This is known as Patella Luxation. Generally it is hereditary and it can be corrected with surgery.

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The diet you give to your small pup is very important. If it contains too much fat they can suffer from an inflamed pancreas.

It can result in a very slow and painful death for your pet. Hypoglycemia is also very common and can be controlled with an effective diet as well.

Various types of bacteria can be a threat to your pup as well. GHE is a type of bacteria that causes severe diarrhea.

As a result your pet will suffer from dehydration. A similar type of symptoms can occur with Campylobacteriosis. This is a type of bacteria that lives in the digestive tract.

Many of these small breed of dogs are known to suffer from allergies as well. This is ironic though because they tend to make good dogs for humans who suffer from allergies.

One of them is that they don't do well to various types of anesthesia. This makes surgery, helping the females give birth, and completing other types of medical procedures more complicated.

Some of the common things they can be allergic to include pollen, fleas, and types of cleaning products that you use in your home. The biggest causes of allergies in these small pups are the foods you feed them.

Your veterinarian can help you to assess what is causing the allergy. Then recommend the right foods to give them enough nutrition but not with ingredients that are causing the allergens.

Small dogs' illnesses tend to come with the territory. If you enjoy this breed of dog then you have to be committed to their overall health.

Follow the orders of your vet and make sure you keep regular scheduled appointments. Preventative measures as well as early intervention can help ensure your pup remains in as good of health as possible.


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