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If you are interested in the history of the Yorkshire terrier there is plenty of information to be found in books, magazines, and of course all over the internet. The Yorki gets its name from where it was originally found – in Yorkshire England.
People came to that part of the world from various locations due to the types of work available. They could work in the mines or various aspects of agriculture.
Many of them brought their dogs along too. So there was quite a mix of breeds to be found around Yorkshire. Various types of terriers were used for a specific purpose. They were used to chase rats that were a huge problem around New England.
Rats were such a problem that there were even prestigious awards for the dogs that captured the most of them.
Over time, breeding resulted in what we know as the Yorkshire terrier today. The process involved only breeding the smaller of the terrier dogs and that is what resulted in the much small size we see now. You may be surprised to learn that the weight of them was to be no more than 30 pounds.
It is believed the types of dogs breed to create the Yorki include the Waterside terrier, and Scottish terrier. Some researchers believe the Maltese and the Skye terrier may have been used for this purpose as well. It didn’t take very long for this need breed of terrier to gain recognition though.
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They were a huge hit when people saw them publicly at a dog show in 1870. It seemed that everyone wanted to have one of these toy Yorki dogs at that time.For more Yorkie information, you are invited to subscribe to our popular FREE Yorkshire Terrier newsletter report here.