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One of the most common places you will find Yorkshire terrier puppies for sale is from breeders. They make money by selling the offspring of quality Yorkshire terriers.
They can charge a premium price if the parents have papers and even more if they have won dog shows. Not all Yorkshire terrier breeders though take good care of their dogs though. They are considered to be puppy mills. They are only interested in making as much money as they can.
It is important that you take the time to find a reputable Yorkshire terrier breeder. You need to do your homework before you buy one from anyone.
Don’t just assume that because they call themselves a breeder that they are in the true sense of the word. You don’t want to be lining the pockets of those who aren’t taking proper care of the parents or the Yorkie puppies.
For the most part though you will find Yorkshire terrier breeders really do care about the animals. They are careful of who they breed and they take care of the medical needs of the Yorkshire terriers.
They also ensure Yorkshire terrier puppies for sale are old enough to be away from their mother and that they have had their first initial shots. They should be able to provide you with that documentation for your own records.
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It is important to see the Yorkshire terrier puppies at the location where they are being taken care of. Here you should be able to see the parents of the puppies as well.For more Yorkie information, you are invited to subscribe to our popular FREE Yorkshire Terrier newsletter report here.